Cut to unspecified office in the Pentagon. General speaking on a phone, several officers and scientists stand nearby.
General: “What do you mean you haven’t heard anything? Dammit, get me Paxley! Put him on the line… What do you mean you can’t raise Paxley? I want him now! That bomb was supposed to go off ten minutes ago! Then get me Schroeder! Yes, that’s right, Schroeder. What the hell are you talking about? Has everyone out there gone deaf! Are they all on a gaw-damn fishing trip? I don’t care what you have to do… You raise some people out there, now, dammit!”
The general slams down the phone.
Speaking to the officers and scientists in his office.
General: “Damnedest thing I ever heard. Wilson tells me he was on the phone with Schroeder right up to zero second, then the line went dead. Hasn’t heard a peep out of anybody.”
The scientists and officers share anxious looks.
General: (picks up phone): “I’m getting Fort Hood into this. Better have General Sayer send some men out to see what the hell is going on out there.”
End of Scene 2